
Open energy screen house Automation Hub with MQTT, nodeRED, OpenHAB & LightwaveRF

At the completely Charged online event at Silverstone earlier this month we stopped by the open energy screen mean a chat with Glyn Hudson (check out the NIEVO video below for a taste of the show).

Glyn’s wise house configuration is based around the emonPi as well as employs MQTT, nodeRED, OpenHAB, LightwaveRF as well as Google Home.

Over to Glyn for all the great stuff…

I believe automation can play an useful function in assisting to reduce energy consumption. For example being able to manage my house central heating system remotely allows me to only turn on the heating when it’s needed as well as not have it running on a set routine when the home is empty.

As previously mentioned in a blog post, the emonPi (running emonSD pre-built SD card) can function as a powerful house automation hub. Utilising the emonPi as a house automation hub is a great in shape for a number of reasons:

It’s already running 24/7 for energy monitoring

It’s optimised for robust long term operation: the root Raspberry Pi file-system is read-only to boost SD card lifespan

It’s already linked to your regional network

It’s running Debian Raspbian Jessie therefore installing additional bundles is simple as well as great deals of support is available

Raspberry Pi 3 has lots of area capacity

Extra radios / accessories can be linked via USB

It’s already running an MQTT server

emonSD pre-built SD card comes pre packed with the complying with integrations nodeRED, OpenHAB as well as LightWaveRF

In this publish I want to show you exactly how I utilize the emonPi in my own home.

Here is a video demo utilizing Google house to manage my central heating as well as gadgets via MQTT:

Read on to discover exactly how this is accomplished utilizing an emonPi as well as open-source software…

There are many many choices when it comes to house automation as well as control. Where possible I prefer open-source solutions which do not depend upon any type of third-party services. All the software application services for my house system as I explain in this publish runs locally on my emonPi as well as apart from Google house voice integration does not need an Web connection to function. A self-hosted open-source solution has the added benefit of increased privacy as well as security which you are in completely in manage of.


MQTT lightweight communication protocol is utilized as the ‘glue’ communication layer between all the complying with services. See technical/MQTT section of the individual guide for more information about exactly how MQTT works on the emonPi.

Energy Monitoring


Recently I have been loving utilizing the V2 Emoncms Android app (currently in beta) which supports several pages (see forum thread).

Video demo Emoncms Android app V2 beta:

I have likewise just recently enjoyed utilizing the redesigned Emoncms apps module which have just bee released on Emoncms.org. It’s now possible to have more than one MyElectric or MySolarPV ‘app’ per Emoncms account as well as economic climate 7 split time of utilize tariffs are now supported (see forum thread):


Ústredné kúrenie

To manage my gas central heating boiler I utilize an MQTT WiFi relay which likewise has a developed in thermostat as well as scheduler, although I don’t utilize these features, I just manage directly via MQTT. The WiFi Relay has been extremely reliable, it’s been utilized everyday for the past two years in my house as well as never when needed a reboot.

Plug sockets (lights)

I utilize LightWave RF plugs to which I have lights as well as other entertainment gadgets linked e.g. stereo as well as chromecast. being able to switch a whole plug bank on/off has the advantage of being able to turn gadgets completely off when not in utilize to minimise any type of vampire drain.

The emonPi can manage LightWave RF gadgets directly via MQTT if an RF OOk modules is fitted. See LightWave RF emonPi individual Guide.

LightWave RF gadgets are not perfect, the OOK RF protocol is simplistic, unsecure, sometimes unreliable as well as specify comments is not available. I am thinking about swithcing to ESp8266 based Sonoff plug with third celebration MQTT firmware or EmonESP firmware.


For the past few years I have been utilizing OpenHAB as the manage interface. OpenHAB is pre-loaded onto the emonPi emonSD pre-built image. I am yet to upgrade to OpenHAB V2.0, it looks extremely nice. However, V1.8 has been extremely trustworthy as well as fits my needs. I utilize the OpenHAB Android app to gain access to the interface quickly from my phone:

OpenHAB likewise integrates with my Pebble smartwatch which makes it super simple to turn on/off the heating while out as well as about:

A while back (early 2016) I dabbled with HomeAssistant, (see blog post). I was rather impressed, I have been complying with the job as well as it appears like it’s mbyť vynikajúcou platformou automatizácie domu. Zastavte potenciálne rival na otvorenie.

Ďalšou voľbou pre rozhranie je nored dashboard, ktorá je teraz oficiálne súčasťou nožovaného projektu.

Krása MQTT je, že je to platforma Agnostic, je možné mať mnoho rôznych rozhraní ovládajúcich presné rovnaké riadiace uzly.

Hlasové rozhranie

Nedávno som získal službu Google House Hous Hous House reproduktor, s bitovým asistentom od HA-BRIDGE, aby emuloval Philips Hue Bridge, je dosť jednoduchý, že Google House riadiť regionálne gadgets cez MQTT. Presná rovnaká konfigurácia bude tiež fungovať s Amazon Echo. Pozrite si príručku Configuration HA-BRIDGE pre EMONPI.

Pozrite si video demo v hornej časti tohto príspevku.

Zariadenie Konfigurácia Využívanie webových stránok ha-mosta GUI:

Nastavenie aplikácie Google House App:

Integrácia a automatizácia

Využívam nôž, ktorý je vopred naložený na EMONPI / EMONSD, aby sa integroval s inými službami, ako je to, aby sa najnovšia vonkajšia teplota z poveternostných podmienok v podzemí, posielať push upozornenia (vykurovanie / vypnutie teploty upozornenie) do môjho telefónu s využitím pushover. Obe tieto služby majú predbežné nožené toky, ktoré robia integráciu mimoriadne jednoduché. Nôž je predinštalovaný, ako aj nakonfigurovaný na EMONPI / EMONSD. Príklad tokom, ktorý je súčasťou EMONPI demonštruje čítanie emonth dát z MQTT, ako aj vonkajších teplôt údajov z poveternostných podmienok v podzemí.

Rovnako som mal nožný tok, ktorý spracováva vypnutie vykurovania, keď teplota v obývacej izbe (ako je určené emonth) dosahuje nastavený bod. Možno som využil regulátor termostatu na relé WiFi, aby to urobilo, napriek tomu by bolo v mojom dome ťažké spustiť snímač teploty káblovej teploty z relé WiFi do obývačky, preto používam teplotu bezdrôtovej emonity.

Bezpečnosť, ako aj vzdialený prístup

Diaľkové ovládanie (mimo regionálnej siete) je možné vykonať s využitím dynamickej služby DNS, ako sú DuckDNS alebo Secure VPN, aby poskytli prístup k službám zvonku. En, otvoriť port 8080, aby ste poskytli prístup k prístupe k otvorenému spusteniu na mojom EMONPI z internetu. OpenH má autentifikáciu zapnutá, ako aj HTTPS je možné využiť na vytvorenie bezpečného pripojenia.

Alternatívne, ako aj potenciálne oveľa lepšie riešenie môže byť využitie služby myopenhab.org, aby sa umožnilo diaľkové ovládanie bez toho, aby ste museli otvoriť port navonok.

Domov Asistent má príklad využitia služieb Tor Cition Services na získanie prístupu k domu asistentovi spustené lokálne.

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